cora sun

image-based artist
creative producer
visual storyteller

cora sun

image-based artist
creative producer
visual storyteller

the second arrow

this project studies the concept of a buddhist parable that, suffering (the first arrow) is inevitable in life, however, our emotional response to that suffering (the second arrow) is what creates the most pain. This photo journal is about the process of pulling out the second arrow, with the practice of acceptance, self-compassion, and stillness.

imagine you're walking down the street, enjoying the day, suddenly, a bird leaves an unwelcome souvenir on your clothes. That unfortunate event and initial shock is the first arrow. But then, instead of brushing it off, you find yourself overwhelmed, tears well up, and negative thoughts spiral – "Why does this always happen to me?" This emotional reaction is the second arrow, adding more pain to the situation.

through this photo journal, I document fracutional moments that cause me suffer in daily life, take a distance back instead of being stuck in bad mood. But this isn't about suppressing the initial feelings, it's about recognizing them and choosing how to respond. Over time, developing this awareness empowers me to break the cycle of self-inflicted suffering. Rather than fueling negativity with the second arrow, I can choose a more constructive path towards healing.

here I share with you three books that helped me find the gentle path:

“the myth of normal” by Dr. Mate Gabor, from where I learnt to embody authenticity to my awareness, and self-compassion. “self-compassion, by contrast, doesn’t resist how things are, nor swaddle the pain in layers of narrative gauye; it just says, I’m hurting.”

“the art & power of acceptance” by Ashley Davis Bush, from where I learnt to accept circumstances, myself, and others, open myself to positive emotions, and create space for positive change. “by accepting ourselves with kindness and understanding, we can better cope with life's challenges and cultivate inner peace.”

“the power of now” by Eckhart Tolle, from where I learnt to observe my thoughts and feelings without judgment, and practical techniques such as stillness, breathwork and mindful observation for living in the present moment.